Components overview
  • 29 Nov 2022
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Components overview

  • Dark

Article summary

There are five different component types: 

  • Value component
  • Record component
  • Resource component
  • Graphic component
  • Table component

To add a component, use the + at the top. To add a group you first have to add a component and during this process, you are able to add the component to a new group.

There are two more components, that are added to the configurator automatically and cannot be deleted: the design component and the checkout component. These two can also not be renamed nor can you place them in another group. As the names suggest in the checkout component you can create the different checkouts you need and in the design component, you can create the UI design of the configurator.


namename of the component
groupgroup of the componet
recordsrecords of a record component

Group and name

Each component has the following properties: group and name. To access the value of these properties you use the # operator (escape operator), the name of the component and the name of the property. Example:

  • #TestRecord.Group
    • name of the group which contains the record component “TestRecord"
    • in this case "TestGroup"
  • #TestRecord.Name
    • contains the name of the component
    • in this case "TestRecord"


To access any property of a record component, you have to use the escape operator. For example, to access the Records property you have to write #testComponnet.Records. This will show the whole record table.

On the plus side, testComponent.Name will always refer to the "Name" column (if there is one), meaning you don't have to write testComponent.Value.Name.

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