Data source asset
  • 21 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Data source asset

  • Dark

Article summary

A data source contains tabular data that can be selectively loaded and filtered in a configurator with a table component.

Supported File Types

A data source can be created or updated with files of these types:

  • Microsoft Excel .xls or .xlsx
  • CSV files .csv

Create or update a data source

To create or update a data source in the asset editor, upload a MS Excel or CSV file (or any other supported file).
To do so automatically with data from an external service, use a workflow.

The asset editor will try to guess the format of the file (e.g. whether a column contains numbers or text, or for CSV, which symbol is used to separate columns). You can view this so-called import configuration and adjust it as necessary. It will determine the number and types of columns in the resulting data source and affects how data is read from your file.

You only have to work with the import configuration initially, it will be used automatically when another file is uploaded in this data source. This is true regardless of how new data is uploaded, e.g. when you use a workflow to automate data import, the same import configuration will be used.

Import Configuration

Each data source has an import configuration that is used when a new file is uploaded for it. It determines how data is read from the file.

While parts of the import configuration are the same for all data sources, others depend on what type of file is used. You have to use the same type of file to re-use an import configuration, otherwise a new one will be generated to meet the specific needs of the new type of file. For example, if you create a data source based on an Excel file (.xls) and later try to update it with a CSV file, the import configuration will adjusted to be CSV-specific and any Excel-specific settings will be discarded.

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