Workflow basics
  • 12 Jun 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Workflow basics

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Article summary


With workflows it is possible to import data in a customizable way into the Combeenation platform.

It allows the Platform user to build configurators in a more data-oriented way and update the data on a regular basis.

Workflows are written in JavaScript and the Combeenation system provides a set of JavaScript functions which allow the interaction with assets.

Your benefits

  • Manual, automatic and even push-based import of data into Combeenation
    • Schedule workflows on a reoccurring interval
    • Perform tasks without clicking any button
    • Launch a data update on your end via a single API call
  • Product data must no longer be maintained manually on Combeenation
  • Full control over data (data sovereignty) stays on your hand and Combeenation only retrieves a working set
  • Log and monitor data import operations
  • Get notified if something went wrong and a workflow fails

Workflow types

There are currently three different ways of starting a workflow.

CursorClick.svg Manual

Manual workflows are started by a person via the Combeenation platform and are used to import new data on demand.

ClockRefresh.svg Scheduled

The execution of workflows on a reoccurring interval is enabled by scheduled workflows. Therefore, it is possible to plan the execution of workflows at a specific time and on selected days of the week.

API (coming soon)

In addition, it will be possible to start the execution of a workflow via a dedicated API. With this type of workflows a customer can actively push new data (e.g. prices, articles) into the configurator.

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