Workflow templates
  • 20 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Workflow templates

  • Dark

Article Summary

Bare minimum

The following template shows the minimum required code to execute a workflow.

export function run() {
  console.log("Hello World");
  return Promise.resolve(true);


This template combines all different kind of parameters and console outputs.

import { isEnabled, count, articleName, bundle, file } from '@workflow/parameters'

export function run() {
  try {;
    console.debug("Print all parameters...");"isEnabled: " + isEnabled);
    console.log("count: " + count);
    console.warn("articleName: " + articleName);
    console.debug("bundle: " + bundle);"file: " + file);
  } catch (e) {
    console.error("Unexpected error: " + e);
  return Promise.resolve(true);

Update data source

The update of a datasource and a subsequent publish of the corresponding asset bundle is shown in this template.
Following steps are performed:

  1. create a new asset bundle draft
  2. get an existing data source
  3. update the data source
  4. publish the asset bundle
  5. update related configurators
import { bundle, file } from "@workflow/parameters";

export function run() {
    // 1. create a new asset bundle draft based on the asset bundle parameter
    return bundle.createDraft().then(draft => {
        // 2. get the data source asset which should be updated
        const dataSourceName = "articles";
        const folderName = "data";
        const dataSourceAsset = draft.getAsset(dataSourceName, folderName);

        // 3. update the data source asset
        return dataSourceAsset.update(file).then(_ =>
            // 4. publish the asset bundle draft
            draft.publish(configurator => {

                // In this block you can decide what should happen to each configurator (or draft) which is using this asset bundle version
                // you have to return an object with the following format: { update: true|false, publish: true|false } for each configurator

                // 5.a) We can, for instance, choose to update but not publish a specific configurator.
                // the 'configurator' argument contains details about the current configurator, such as its name or version, or whether it is a draft
                if ( == "MyOtherConfigurator") {
                    return { update: true, publish: false };

                // 5.b) We can also return a bool value as a shorthand; returning 'true' is the same as returning { update: true, publish: true }
                return true;

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