Personal Configurations
  • 16 Jul 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Personal Configurations

  • Dark

Article summary

A personal configuration belongs to a specific user on the Combeenation platform and can only be opened and edited by that user. The user must be a member of the Company that owns the configurator.

Users can organize their personal configurations on the Configurator Insights page and use them e.g. as templates or as a living document to assist in the sales process.

Information about the current user is available in Hive and can be used to augment the configurator to e.g. show sensitive data or unlock advanced features (for more details see the User and Custom Fields docs).

Creating a personal configuration

A personal configuration is created automatically when a configurator is opened by a user that is already signed into the Combeenation platform.

If a user is currently not signed in, the configuration will be anonymous i.e. not tied to any particular user. This is the default for configurators that are made available to the general public on the internet. Note that anonymous configurations are still protected by an authentication token so that even if a copy of such a configuration is shared, the original cannot be edited without the authentication token.

Users can log in after they opened a configurator in order to create a personal configuration. In this case, a copy of the original configuration will be created and attributed to the signed-in user, while the original one remains anonymous.

Add Combeenation Login to your configurator

By using Combeenation Login, you can provide a convenient and secure way for your users to sign into a configurator to unlock advanced features or gain access to sensitive data. Each user must have an account on the Combeenation platform.

Follow these 3 simple steps to use Combeenation Login:

  • create a Button control

  • add a Signal & Slots connection to your button: set the signal to Clicked and for the slot choose the Configurator control and then select the User login slot

  • finally, to hide the button when a user is already signed in, select the Visible property, click the “Enable Hive” button and paste the following rule into it:

    If user.isLoggedIn then Visibility.PluggedOut else Visibility.Show end

That’s it! Now when a user clicks the button, they are automatically taken to the Combeenation Login and afterward redirected back to the configurator. If the login has been successful, a personal configuration will be created for the user.

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