Mail checkout
  • 04 Jan 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors
  • Dark

Mail checkout

  • Dark

Article summary

This checkout will send one or multiple mails on Checkout. The mails are defined via a Hive record, with the following structure:

  From : { Name : "John Doe", Mail : "" },
  To  : [{ Name : "Jane Doe", Mail : "" }],
  CC  : [{ Name : "", Mail : "" }],
  BCC : [{ Name : "", Mail : "" }],
  Subject : "",
  Message : "",
  Attachments : [{ FileName : "", ContentEncoding : Encoding.Utf8, Content : "" }]
Setting the From address

You can set a from address, but per default this will only be used as reply address and the real from address will be

In order to use your company's domain as sending domain, we have to add your domain to our mail provider. This requires you to set some DKIM TXT entry on your domain provider. Since this is currently not fully automated you should contact us, if you need your own sending domain.


  • Maximum size of all attachments combined is 5 MB
  • Currently only text files are allowed as attachments (e.g. XML, CSV, JSON, ...).

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